Pin Busters! D-I-Y All-Purpose Cleaner

Today's Pin Buster is a D-I-Y recipe for an all-purpose cleaner. It's supposed to do a great job and smell good, too. I found it on Pinterest, read about it on Jillee's blog, One Good Thing. Jillee adapted her recipe from Amy's recipe on the Cajun Joie de Vivre blog.

D-I-Y All-Purpose Cleaner
1 tsp borax
1 tsp of washing soda
1/2 c. white vinegar
2 c. hot water
25-30 drops of essential oil (I used lemon)
24 oz spray bottle 

I didn't follow the mixing instructions. What can I say? I'm a rebel.

I just mixed everything in the spray bottle. Why dirty another dish? I used a funnel to put all of the dry ingredients into the bottle, then I added 1 c. of the hot water. I replaced the top on the bottle and swished it around gently until everything was dissolved. Then I removed the top, added the remaining cup of water, the vinegar, and the essential oil, and put the top back on.

The verdict: Pin-worthy! I've used this on my counters, stove, and floors. It works well when you don't really have a mess to clean but just want to freshen things up a bit. I haven't tried it for heavier jobs.

One thing - even with the 30 drops of lemon essential oil, I still can't really smell anything when I spray this cleaner. Which is kind of disappointing, because I love the smell of lemons - they're so fresh and clean! One the other hand - I also can't smell the vinegar - which is a good thing. I really don't care for the smell of vinegar. I use it because it does clean well, but I can't wait for the smell to dissipate, LOL! My first batch of lemon-infused vinegar is ready for testing, so look for a post on that soon!

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