If you haven't heard me rave about Consumer Crafts before - listen now! I love this place!!! They have some of the coolest craft stuff, with great prices - and if you manage to catch a sale, coupon code, or shipping deal, you can make out like a bandit!
Check out my latest haul from there (and I only paid $1.97 for shipping!):
I see some new bracelet tutorials in the future!!
Check out these awesome beads! The pictures just don't do them justice. These three strands are some of the most beautiful beads I've ever seen. I wish the pictures showed just how shiny and expensive-looking they are!!
I think all I'm going to do to this strand is add a clasp - it's gorgeous!! The colors are so deep and well, jewel-like, LOL!
I also got an assortment of chains...
I love these little circles that say "Love", "Laugh", and "Live"...
And these are just some aurora borealis/silver beads I picked up because they were pretty and shiny...
All this (and a 12 yd. spool of 1mm satin cord) for just $35!! I have enough to make at least 3-4 bracelets.
Yesterday, I picked up some clasps and ribbon at Hobby Lobby, so I'm ready to start creating!!
(Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with Consumer Crafts. My opinions are my own, and I do not receive any sort of compensation for giving my reviews.)